viernes, 26 de septiembre de 2008


The Area of Cultural Activities of the Dpt. of Cultural and Social Affaires of the University of Zaragoza, wants to announce the regulations for the V International Contest of Musical Composition ‘University of Zaragoza’ with the purpose of stimulating creation in the domain of contemporary music.


1. The contest is open to musicians of all nationalities with no age restrictions.

2. Each competitor can submit only one work with the following characteristics:
-The composition presented must be unpublished, never performed in public, broadcast and/or awarded a prize in other competitions.

-The composition submitted for the competition must use, maximum, the instruments in the list below, and no less than ten of these instruments. Among these ten instruments, at least, three of them must be instruments of wind-wood and three other string instruments:

- 1 Flute (including piccolo and G flute)
- 1 Oboe (including English horn)
- 1 Clarinet (including Bass clarinet and E-flat clarinet)
- 1 Bassoon
- 1 Horn
- 1 Trumpet
- 1 Trombone
- 1 Percussionist
- 1 Piano
- 1 Harp
- 2 Violins
- 1 Viola
- 1 Cello
- 1 Doublebass

The work must last between 12 and 15 minutes.
No parts for soloist or for any electroacustic means will be admitted within the works.

3. Competitors must submit five anonymous copies of their composition. A CD with the composition stored in pdf and midi files will be attached to the paper copies as well. Copies must be marked using a tittle, and this must also be written on a sealed envelope. This envelope must contain the following documents:

-photocopy of passport
-postal address and e-mail address
-telephone numbers
-brief cv of competitor

4. The scores and the enclosed documents must be sent or presented by 3th April 2009 (certified by the post office stamp) to the following address:

IV Concurso Internacional de Composición Musical
Área de Actividades Culturales
C/ Pedro Cerbuna, 12
50009 Zaragoza

5. The members of the jury will be selected by the Dpt. of Cultural and Social Affaires of the University of Zaragoza amongst musicians of national and international prestige. This jury will complete with its experience and opinion the possible omissions or doubts that could arise in the selection process. The jury reserves the right not to award the prize if no work is deemed to be worthy. The decisions taken by the jury shall be final.

6. The winner will be awarded a prize of 3.500 €. This prize is subjected to deductions according to Law.

7. The winning piece will be interpreted, as part of the prize, by the Chamber Orchestra of the Auditorium of Zaragoza (Grupo Enigma) within the domain of the Season of Concerts 2009-2010.

8. In the different editions, recordings or public performances of the winning works should be mentioned ‘V Concurso Internacional de Composición Musical’.

9. The author must send when requested, free of charge, the instrumental parts of the winning work for its consequent performance and/or recording by the Chamber Orchestra of the Auditorium of Zaragoza (Grupo Enigma), as well as a copy of the scores for the archives of the University of Zaragoza.

10. The winner will authorise the University of Zaragoza to record, reproduce and broadcast the presented piece.

11. Once the contest is concluded, the original works will be destroyed.

12. The application to take part in and to present works for the competition implies full acceptance of the present regulations.